So I’m a little late to this game, but very familiar not only with Pat Tillman, Arizona home-town Hero, but also with Pat’s Run! I’ve always wanted to be apart of it, but for the last five years my work schedule has conflicted…not this year! For better or worse, I am able to take part: The 16th Annual Pat’s Run is now a Virtual Run, April 18, 2020- the mission must go on!
The Pat’s Run site reads:
“In this uncertain environment, the mission will go on. Pat’s Run 2020 is going virtual. We are prioritizing the health and safety of our runners, volunteers, and staff and are responding to guidance from health and governmental officials.
On the morning of Saturday, April 18, instead of gathering to run the streets of Tempe, we encourage you to run 4.2 miles individually, wherever you are. Different streets. Same day. Same mission. This is a chance to show our strength in a challenging time, and a chance to get out of the house to run with our virtual community across Arizona and the country.”
More details about the race are also available on the site:

April 18, 2020. You choose the time.

You pick the course but be sure to make it a 4.2 mile run/walk (if you are an adult) or 0.42 miles run/walk (if you a child).

The new virtual format allows us to reopen registration. Anyone can run!
Remote Adult Runner | $35 |
Remote Child Runner | $10 |
You can also track and share your run using Strava.
I will not be the fastest, that is for sure, but I am planning to run around State Farm Stadium and finish at the Pat Tillman Freedom Plaza in his honor. We encourage you to participate in any way you might be able, and remember this man and support the things in life that truly matter.